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Your Degree, Without the Debt


det365中文的学杂费明显低于马萨诸塞州东南部的所有四年制大学, 但我们也明白,你想确保你的钱花得明智. 我们在这里为您提供支持,并提供解决方案,以确保您可以平衡繁忙的生活 and go to school.

See a full breakdown of Tuition and Fees at 4Cs.

Types of Financial Aid


Apply by completing the FAFSA each year after October 1.

  • Federal Pell Grant: 根据学生资助报告(FAFSA的结果)中的需求和“EFC”(预期家庭贡献)数字. 一些学生如果修不到6个学分,可能会获得佩尔学位. Does not have to be repaid.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG): 提供给那些有最高经济需求的佩尔助学金获得者. Does not have to be repaid.
  • Federal Work Study: Based on financial need. Requires at least 6 credits. 根据工作时数赚取的资金,每两周直接支付给学生. Does not have to be repaid.
  • Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized and Unsubsidized): Subsidized loan is need-based. Unsubsidized is not need-based, but does have restrictions. 这两种贷款都有根据学生在校时间和抚养状况的限制. 需要额外申请(本票)和贷款咨询. Requires at least 6 credits per semester. Must be repaid once no longer in school at least half-time.
  • Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS): Not based on financial need. Requires at least 6 credits per semester. Loan is in parent's name and repayment begins immediately.


  • Mass Grant: Based on need and the EFC number from FAFSA. Must submit FAFSA by May 1. Requires at least 12 credits per semester. 4 semesters maximum at 2 year schools. Does not have to be repaid.
  • MA Access (Cash) Grant: Based on financial need. Requires at least 6 credits. Cannot exceed tuition and fees. Does not have to be repaid.
  • MA Part Time Grant: Based on need and the EFC number from the FAFSA. Must have between 6 and 11 credits per semester. Does not have to be repaid.
  • MA Need-Based Tuition Waiver: Based on need. 可用于第01至39节的国家支持课程. Does not have to be repaid.
  • MA Categorical Tuition Waivers: Does not require a FAFSA. Not based on financial need. Available to Active Duty military, Veterans, Native Americans, Senior Citizens, 马萨诸塞州康复委员会或盲人委员会的客户, and Children/Spouses of 911 Tragedy Victims. No minimum number of credits required. Does not have to be repaid.
  • 4Cs Gap Fund: Based on need and the EFC number from FAFSA. 主要颁发给没有资格获得足够的联邦和州援助来支付学费的学生, fees, and books. Requires at least 6 credits per semester. Apply by completing the FAFSA. Does not have to be repaid.
  • 4Cs Whitehouse Grant: 颁发给参加晚间护理的学生,以降低项目成本,与日间护理费率相匹配. Does not require financial need. Depending on availability, 财政援助主任可以酌情提供额外的奖励. Apply by completing the FAFSA. Does not have to be repaid.

det365中文教育基金会奖励大约200美元,000 each year in scholarships to 4Cs students. Individual scholarship amounts and criteria vary. 由基金会和学院代表组成的委员会选出获奖者. Applications available in late February/early March.

For more information:

如果你的总奖金少于你所证明的经济需要, you may qualify for the Federal Work Study program. 勤工俭学允许学生在校内和某些校外获得兼职工作, community service positions. 学生每隔一周根据工作时数领取工资.



Annual Award Limits

在大多数情况下,贷款是为整个学年颁发的.  所有的贷款分两次支付——通常一半用于秋季学期,一半用于春季学期.

联邦补贴贷款以需求为基础,在注册至少一半的时间内不计息.  Subsidized loans will not exceed $3500 (1st year) or $4500 (2nd year).  无补贴贷款不以需求为基础,在上大学期间会产生利息.

Below are annual maximums available.  实际奖励是根据出勤费和收到的其他援助.  补贴将根据联邦财政需求确定,最高可达年度限额.

Dependent Students (FAFSA includes parent information)

  • 1st 一年(少于30个学分或证书)每年5500美元
  • 2nd 每年(副学士学位,超过30学分)每年6500美元


  • 1st 一年(少于30个学分或证书)每年9500美元
  • 2nd 每年(副学士学位,30学分以上)10500美元/年


Application Process

  1. 在学生援助处完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).gov
  2. 满足学院满意的学术进步标准
  3. Enroll in at least 6 credits per semester
  4. Complete Entrance Counseling each year at
  5. 每年在学生资助处完成主本票(MPN).gov
  6. Complete the Loan Request Form (link…???) and submit to the Financial Aid Office

联邦PLUS贷款适用于受抚养学生的父母.  The PLUS loan application requires credit approval.  家长可以借到相当于学费的钱,而不是其他来源的经济援助, including student loans.  PLUS贷款可以延期支付,如果学生至少有一半的时间注册, but interest will accrue.

Application Process

  1. 学生必须完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).gov
  2. 学生必须达到学院满意的学术进步标准
  3. 学生每学期必须注册至少6个学分
  4. 完成PLUS申请并在www上获得信贷批准
  5. 每年在学生资助处完成主本票(MPN).gov

其他高等教育贷款可以从私人贷款机构获得.  这些贷款需要信贷批准,并可能需要联署人.  贷款金额、利率和申请流程因贷款人而异.  4c可以批准的最高金额是入学费用减去所有其他经济援助, including federal loans.

Contact the Financial Aid Office

Location: Nickerson Administration Building, Ground Floor

Hours: Zoom drop-ins with Financial Aid

Monday–Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Meeting ID: 983 1467 4608
Password: FinAid

Other times are available by appointment. Please contact us if you need an early-evening time.

Phone: 774.330.4393

Fax: 508.375.4026
